When was Malcolm Little born?
Malcolm Little was born on [...]. (Type: Month day, year)
Where was he born?
He was born in ...
- Alaska.
- Nebraska.
- Arkansas.
- Louisiana.
- Nevada.
True or False?
His father was a religious man.
- True.
- False.
True or False?
Malcolm Little had a peaceful childhood.
- True.
- False.
When was Malcolm's family's house burnt to the ground?
Malcolm's family's house was burnt to the ground in [...]. (year)
When was Malcolm's father found dead?
Malcolm's father was found dead in [...]. (year)
What happened to Malcolm's mother?
- Malcolm's mother committed suicide.
- Malcolm's mother was sent to a mental hospital.
- Malcolm's mother died of a heart attack.
How many brothers and sisters did Malcolm have?
Malcolm had [...] (number) brothers and sisters.
Where did Malcolm and his brothers and sisters go?
- Malcolm and his brothers and sisters went to live with an aunt.
- Malcolm and his brothers and sisters were adopted by a white family.
- Malcolm and his brothers and sisters were sent to orphanages and foster homes.
True or False?
Malcolm was a good student.
- True.
- False.
Malcolm wanted to be ...
- a doctor.
- a scientist.
- a lawyer.
- a journalist.
- a politician.
Why did his teachers tell him it was not possible?
His teachers told him it was not possible because ...
- he was black.
- he was not intelligent enough.
- he did not have enough money to go to college (university).
What did Malcolm decide to do?
Malcolm decided to ...
- sue his teachers.
- study something different.
- drop out of school.
Where did Malcolm go?
Malcolm went to ...
- Boston.
- Baltimore.
- Chicago.
- Washington D.C.
True or False?
Malcolm started to do illegal things.
- True.
- False.
When was he arrested and sent to prison?
He was arrested and sent to prison in [...]. (year)
What was he arrested for?
He was arrested for ...
- drug dealing.
- terrorism.
- burglary.
- treason.
- murder.
In prison, Malcolm began to be interested in ...
- Islam.
- Buddhism.
- Judaism.
- Protestantism.
Malcolm dropped his slave name Little and chose the letter X. What did this letter represent to him?
The letter X represented ...
- his unknown future.
- the cross on which Jesus died.
- his lost tribal name.
When was Malcolm X paroled?
Malcolm X was paroled in [...]. (year)
True or False?
Malcolm X was very good at speaking in public.
- True.
- False.
When did he marry Betty X?
He married Betty X in [...]. (year)
How many daughters did the couple have?
The couple had [...] (number) daughters.
True or False?
Malcolm X aprroved of the Civil Rights Movement.
- True.
- False.
When did Malcolm X leave the Nation of Islam?
Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam in [...]. (year)
Malcolm X made a pilgrimage to ...
- Jerusalem.
- Mecca.
- Harmandir Sahib.
- Canterbury.
- Santiago de Compostela.
Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity. What was its objective?
The objective of the Organization of Afro-American Unity was to ...
- unite all the blacks in the United States.
- unite all the blacks all over the world.
True or False?
Malcolm X did not have any enemies.
- True.
- False.
When did Malcolm X die?
Malcolm X died on [...]. (Type: Month day, year)
How many times was he shot?
He was shot [...] (number) times at close range.