Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Choose the correct answer.
Iron Man has no superpowers.
Iron Man has lots of superpowers.
Where was Tony Stark born?
Tony Stark was born in ...
Los Angeles, California.
Austin, Texas.
Long Island, New York.
Miami, Florida.
What did Tony Stark's father do? (= What was his father's job?)
Tony Stark was ...
a very influential politician.
a famous doctor.
a renowned scientist.
a rich industrialist.
Where did Tony Stark study?
Tony Stark studied at Harvard University in Massachusetts.
Tony Stark studied at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Tony Stark studied at Yale University in Connecticut.
Tony Stark studied at Oxford University in England.
How old was he when he went to this institution?
He was [...] years old. (Type the figure)
What did Tony Stark study?
Tony Stark studied ...
electrical engineering.
What happened to Tony Stark's parents?
Tony Stark's parents were killed in a car crash (car accident).
Tony Stark's parents were assassinated.
Tony Stark's parents were kidnapped.
Tony Stark's parents were poisoned.
in life, Tony Stark was injured and captured by American enemies while
observing some of his technologies in war action. Which part of his
body was injured?
The part of his body that was injured was ...
his leg.
his shoulder.
his chest.
his head.
Which organ does the magnetic plate that Tony Stark wears protect?
The magnetic plate protects Tony Stark's ...
What wasTony Stark forced to do by his captives?
Tony Stark was forced to sell illegal drugs.
Tony Stark was forced to print fake money.
Tony Stark was forced to build weapons (guns, etc.).
Choose the four superpowers Tony Stark has with the suit he made for himself.
What does Tony Stark do for a living? (= What is his job?)
Tony Stark is a journalist.
Tony Stark just plays the role of a playboy to avoid suspicion.