Watch the video and answer the following questions.
When did the British Empire reach its peak of influence?
The British Empire reached its peak of influence ...
at the beginning of the 18th century.
at the beginning of the 19th century.
at the beginning of the 20th century.
at the beginning of the 21st century.
When did the British Empire start?
The British Empire started ...
at the end of the 1200s.
at the end of the 1400s.
at the end of the 1600s.
at the end of the 1800s.
Which two countries started overseas exploration before Britain?
Where did the British first try to create colonies?
The British first tried to create colonies in ...
South America.
North America.
When was Jamestown, the first permanent settlement (= colony), founded?
Jamestown was founded in [...]. (year)
Where was Jamestown founded?
Jamestown was founded in ...
Which two countries fought against Britain for colonies throughout the 17th and 18th centuries?
many North American colonies broke free from Britain through the
American War of Independence creating the United States of America at
the end of the 18th century?
[...] (number) North
American colonies broke free from Britain through the American War of
Independence creating the United States of America at the end of the
18th century.
Which three other regions in the world did Britain explore?
Which country was Britain's last major rival at the beginning of the 19th century?
When did Britain defeat this last major rival?
Britain defeated this last major rival in [...]. (year)
How many people did the British Empire count until 1914?
Until 1914, the British Empire counted [...] people. (figure)
What percentage of the world’s total land area did the British Empire cover?
The British Empire covered [...]% of the the world’s total land area.
Which military and economic power forced Britain to form alliances with her old enemies during WWI (the first World War)?
Which two old enemies did Britain form alliances with during WWI?
Which year marked the height of the British Empire?
[...] (year) marked the height of the British Empire.
How much of the world population did the British Empire control at that time?
over one fifth (1/5) of the world population.
over one quarter (1/4) of the world population.
over one third (1/3) of the world population.
over half (1/2) of the world population.
Many people consider the handover of Hong Kong to China as the end of the British Empire. When did this event take place?
The handover of Hong Kong to China took place in [...]. (year)
Over how many territories does the United Kingdom still retain sovereignty?
The United Kingdom still retains sovereignty over [...] (number) territories.