Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Choose the correct answer.
- We don't know exactly how whisky was born.
- We know exactly how whisky was born.
How far is Ireland from Scotland in some places?
Type the missing figure: 'Ireland is [...] miles away from Scotland.'
Who claimed to have been the first to create whisky?
- the Irish.
- the Scots.
The word 'whisky' comes from the Gaelic word 'uisge beatha', pronounced "oosh-ka bay-ah". What does it literally mean?
Type the expression: "It means [...].
Which whisky is best known?
- Irish whisky.
- Scottish whisky.
Who are likely to be the creators of whisky? (= Who probably invented whisky?)
- Scottish farmers.
- Irish monks (a monk = a religious man who lives in a monastery).
- English priests.
Where did these inventors get the idea of creating whisky?
- in the Far East.
- in Europe.
- in Africa.
- in Asia.
What product did they see being distilled in alembics?
Type the missing word: "They saw [...] being distilled in alambics."