Watch the video and answer the following questions.
After which tragic event was St Paul's Cathedral restored by architect Sir Christopher Wren?
St Paul's Cathedral was restored by architect Sir Christopher Wren after ...
- the Great War.
- the Great Fire.
- the Great Plague.
- the Great Revolution.
- the Great Flood.
When did this tragic event take place?
This tragic event took place in [...]. (year)
How much of the city of London was destroyed during that tragic event?
- 20%.
- 40%.
- 60%.
- 80%.
How long has there been a church on this site?
There has been a church on this site since ... AD. (year)
The present building is considered to be ...
- the third St Paul's Cathedral.
- the fourth St Paul's Cathedral.
- the fifth St Paul's Cathedral.
- the sixth St Paul's Cathedral.
True or False?
Everybody liked Sir Christopher Wren's designs for the new St Paul's Cathedral.
- True.
- False.
When did construction of the cathedral finish?
Construction of the cathedral finished in [...]. (year)
The last stone was placed on Sir Christopher Wren's ...
- 66th birthday.
- 76th birthday.
- 86th birthday.
- 96th birthday.