Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Choose the correct answer.
Where can you drink Irn Bru?
- England.
- Scotland.
- Wales.
- Northern Ireland.
Choose the correct answer.
- Irn Bru is an alcoholic drink.
- Irn Bru is a non-alcoholic drink.
What colour is Irn Bru?
Irn Bru is ...
Choose the correct answer.
The taste of Irn Bru can be described as a mix of fruit and ...
- chocolate.
- caramel.
- vanilla.
- nuts.
How many different flavours are there in Irn Bru?
Type the missing figure: 'There are [...] flavours in Irn Bru.'
How many people in the world know the ingredients to make Irn Bru?
Type the missing figure: '[...] people in the world know the ingredients.'