Watch the video and answer the following questions.
How long has Buckingham Palace been the official residence of the British monarchy?
Buckingham Palace has been the official residence of the British monarchy since ...
- the 16th century.
- the 17th century.
- the 18th century.
- the 19th century.
When is it open to the public?
It is open to the public during ...
- the spring months.
- the summer months.
- the autumn months.
- the winter months.
Where does the Royal Family go in the meantime?
In the meantime, the Royal Family goes to ...
- Northern Ireland.
- Scotland.
- Wales.
When was the original building constructed?
The original building was constructed in [...]. (year)
When did King George IV commission John Nash, the most famous architect of the age, to transform Buckingham Palace?
King George IV commissioned John Nash, the most famous architect of the age, to transform Buckingham Palace in [...]. (year)
When did Buckingham Palace finally become home to the British Royal Family?
Buckingham Palace finally became home to the British Royal Family in [...]. (year)