Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Choose the correct answer.
- Bath is an old city.
- Bath is a modern city.
When did Bath become a popular destination?
- during the 15th century.
- during the 16th century.
- during the 17th century.
- during the 18th century.
- during the 19th century.
What did Bath become at that time?
- Bath became a nice ski resort.
- Bath became famous for its zoo.
- Bath became a nice spa resort (a place where people could relax and improve their health).
- Bath became famous for its casino.
Who went to Bath at that time?
- High society.
- Middle classes.
- Poor people.
Bath is also famous for its Roman Baths? Why are these baths so special?
"The Roman Baths are [...] in the world."
The second thing Bath stands out for is ...
- its restaurants.
- its museums.
- its shops.
- its architecture.
The most famous Georgian building in Bath is called ...
- the Royal Crescent.
- the Royal Circle.
- the Royal Palace.
- the Royal Stables.
Which famous author is associated with Bath?
- Charles Dickens.
- Jane Austen.
- Arthur Conan Doyle.
- J.K. Rowling.
The oldest building in Bath is ...
- a tea room.
- a bakery.
- a butcher's.
- a florist's.